The project

Polito Studio is an innovative model for architectural practice, spanning different geographies and bridging the divide between academic and professional worlds through the creation of a platform for collaboration-in-practice.


Polito Studio is a joint project of Politecnico di Torino and Ordine degli Architetti di Torino. Every two years, a new cohort is activated involving a group of select architectural practices and of researchers with design research experience in a specific geographical region of the world.

The project is intended to maximize the innovation potential of both professional and academic practices, by joining them into cohesive practice cohorts and opening them up to international opportunities. This model allows high-quality small practices to cluster, access global design markets with the support of larger academic institutions, and develop expertise through real design actions and the sharing of competences.

Research products

Press review


Working Group 2024-2026

  • Prof. Arch. Michele Bonino, Vice Chancellor for Relations with China and Director of the Department of Architecture and Design, Politecnico di Torino (responsible for POLITO Studio for Politecnico di Torino)
  • Arch. Peter Jaeger, Board member of the Ordine degli Architetti di Torino (responsible for Ordine degli Architetti di Torino)
  • Arch. Antonio Besso Marcheis
  • Antonio Cinotto, Board member Fondazione per l’architettura / Torino
  • Arch. Lidia Preti, Politecnico di Torino
  • Prof. Arch. Roberta Ingaramo, Politecnico di Torino


  • Arch. Valeria Federighi, Politecnico di Torino
  • Prof. Arch. Paolo Mellano, Former Director of the Department of Architecture and Design, Politecnico di Torino


  • Prof. Roberto Zanino, Vice Rector European Relations, Politecnico di Torino (International University Networks)
  • Prof. Francesca De Filippi, Politecnico di Torino (Africa)

Technical Support Table:

Operational Coordination:

  • Laura Rizzi, Director Order of Architects Turin
  • Gianmarco Perrone, Cultural Activities Office Fondazione per l’architettura / Torino
  • Federico Guardamagna, Order of Architects Turin