
The Observatory for monitoring best practices in the field of synergies between professional associations and academic institutions was set up to accompany and instruct the activities of POLITO Studio, starting from internationally recognised innovative cases.
The Observatory deals with the construction of diagrams highlighting recurrences and differences on a geographical, methodological and regulatory basis.

#02 Het Nieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam

Het Nieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam. Agency for Architecture, Design and Digital Culture. Interview with Francien van Westrenen, Head of Agency at Het Nieuwe Instituut.
Credits: © International Clinic in Het Nieuwe Instituut. Photo Almichael Fraay, 2019

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#03 THAD, Beijing

THAD, Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua University, Beijing. Interview with Zhuang Weimin, President of Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua University.
Credits: © The New Campus of Yan’an University, Photo Li Yao

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#04 Techne, World Health Organization

Tέchne, WHO (World Health Organization). Michele Di Marco, Helpdesk and Tέchne Coordinator at the World Health Organization. 

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#05 ArcPrep and Public Design Corps

Michigan Architecture Prep and Public Design Corps, Taubman College, University of Michigan.  Interview with Anya Sirota (Associate Professor and Associate Dean of Academic Initiatives at the Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning and the head of the Akoaki studio in Detroit) and Jacob Comerci (designer and educator, a William Muschenheim Fellow at the University of Michigan).
Credits: © Zimbabwe Cultural Center Detroit – Transient Collective – A Proposal for the New ZCC

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#06 Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá

Exploring the Relationship Between Academia and the Professional World in Architecture at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Interview with Martin Anzellini Garcia Reyes, former Director of the Department of Architecture at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá, Colombia (until September 2021). He subsequently assumed the role of professional and lecturer at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.
Credits: © Equipamiento cultural, image source issuu.com/luisadiazduarte/docs/h_bitat_para_la_paz, courtesy of Martin Anzellini Garcia Reyes


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