The new China Team

The professionals who will take part in POLITO Studio have been selected: the two-year advanced training program dedicated to architecture competitions and design opportunities of the Polytechnic University of Turin and the Association of Architects of Turin.

With the 3rd edition 2024 – 2026, POLITO Studio returns to focus on China, a geographical area in which the Polytechnic has a consolidated presence. Through training workshops centered on real cases of design competitions and tenders, POLITO Studio will offer free specialized training, work experience in multidisciplinary teams oriented towards internationalization, and knowledge of the professional opportunities offered by the Chinese market.

Professor HaoHao Xu of the South China University of Technology (Guangzhou, Guangdong) supervised the work of the judging panel, composed of architects Antonio Besso Marcheis, Michele Bonino, Antonio Cinotto, Roberta Ingaramo, Peter Jaeger and Lorenzo Savio.

The professionals, whether individuals or associates, will work together for two years by organizing multidisciplinary teams with China Room of the Polytechnic University of Turin, which will continue to play a fundamental role in the training of professionals, TDH – Turin Design Hub, a group formed in the first edition and which will work alongside the newly selected, and partners from China.

The workshops will be led by experts from the Association of Architects, the Polytechnic, and Chinese partners invited by the University.

The aim of the project is to transfer to the participants skills and networks useful to apply for architecture projects and competitions in China.

Here are the selected professionals:

  • Francesco Carota
  • Alessandro Cacioppo
  • Gabriele Gatti
  • Francesca La Malva
  • Mara Mercurio
  • Cristiano Picco
  • Alessandro Servalli
  • Luca Zanon

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